The Moment I Was Believed
The point of this blog post is more about the one moment in which they suddenly did believe me, they just didn’t know it.
When What Your Teen says Scares You
How to spot potential red flags by listening to your teenager, and what to do about it.
You (still) Live In My Spine
What lives in my spine is me, who I am at my core, what I’ve always known yet must keep relearning throughout my life.
If you ask a teenager…
Overall, I was so touched by how thoughtful the students were. It was nice to see their reactions to the prompts, and how confident they were in their choices. And, the results are in!
Survivorship in Media
But we know survivors are everywhere (yes, the number is still 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men), and they live complicated and wonderful lives, and we just don’t see it reflected enough in our media.
7 Ways NOT To React When Your Friend is Raped
I realized that I could give more advice on the things people do wrong instead of how to do it right (because it’s really, really easy to get it right). So, here it is, my step-by-step guide on what NOT to do.
A Lot to be Thankful For
In no scenario would I have survived the abuse without the help of my family.
Prescribed Burn: Preventing the Forest Fire
We must continue to ask for help until we get it, and then we still have to ask for help because we will never be fully ‘healed
Demand to be Heard: Why This Is So Important
If we can convince the world that they can no longer get away with pushing us down and stepping all over us, we have come that much closer to ending this sort of violence.
How Do You Expect Me to Be Normal: Dating (as) a Survivor
If you don’t treat me like I’m normal, how can you expect me to be normal?
The Myth of Progress: A Reaction to Brock Turner
This country has not made progress, at least not to my standard.
Sexual Assault Panel at Doc Your World: Who's Responsibility is it?
It's the responsibility of the society that grows abusers to keep these possible victims safe.
Untold Premiere at Feminist Film Festival: Why Are We So Scared?
The reaction was so supportive I could hardly believe it.