Leah Zeiger, founder
Leah Zeiger (she/her) is a dancer and choreographer based in Los Angeles, CA. Her choreographic work frequently reflects her lived experience as a survivor of a teenage abusive relationship, as well as her career in activism and education surrounding this topic. Zeiger is the creator of the Body Memory Method, a unique somatic theory honoring and investigating the body’s knowledge through movement. Her most recent works, You Live in My Spine, Bittersweet, and HYSTERIA, have been presented at venues across the country, and explore aspects of her survivorship. Learn more about Zeiger’s choreographic practice here.
Ever since her high school dance teacher encouraged her to “put it all in the dance”, Zeiger has been passionate about not only turning her own harrowing story into art, but also sharing the power of using the arts as a mechanism for education, healing, and change.
Photos by Dolly Ave (left) and Owen Scarlet (above)